The Therapeutic Relationship in Massage Therapy

  • Massage Therapy
  • March 11, 2024
  • 2 min read
The Therapeutic Relationship in Massage Therapy

The therapeutic relationship that occurs between a massage therapist and a massage client is one of the keys to being a successful massage therapist. The therapeutic relationship is what allows healing to happen for both the massage client and the massage therapist.

At Northwest Career College, students begin learning about these relationships and boundaries on day one in their basic Massage Training class. Both the ethics and the hands on are taught and emphasized in Northwest’s Massage Therapy program.

The therapeutic relationship begins the moment a potential client begins thinking that they want to find a massage therapist. The potential client is already thinking about seeking assistance for whatever issues they may be having – stress, physical pain or relaxation.

Once the therapeutic reaction has been established with a new client, a transference of energy will begin to happen. Transference is normal and will happen whether you are aware of it or not or whether you want it or not. It’s not something to be alarmed with as a professional. Creating boundaries for yourself as a massage therapist is what allows someone who is in a state of transference to have a chance to see their own issues and is a major part of the healing process.

The more you know your own values, needs and feelings and the clearer your boundaries are for yourself – the greater the chances of you attracting your “Ideal Massage Client” to your massage business.

Ivy Adams
Massage Therapy Program Chair

Born and raised in Las Vegas, Ivy is a proud graduate of Northwest Career College, class of 1999, and has been a Licensed Massage Therapist ever since. Her eighteen years of experience has taken her through an eclectic array of… Read Full Bio