Professional Appearance

Policy Statement

This policy is designed to reflect industry standards related to professional appearance in the fields associated with NCC programs of study. This policy also takes into account workplace safety standards related to professional attire within these fields.

NCC students are expected to maintain a professional appearance at all times while on NCC’s campus, at an affiliate’s facility, and any other time they are wearing their NCC uniform. Such an appearance is essential to professional success. This policy is not exhaustive and students are encouraged to err on the conservative side when in doubt.

Students may be assigned to complete their externship course at an affiliate’s facility that has more restrictive professional appearance expectations than NCC. This policy does not supersede the policies of those affiliates. Students are expected to fully comply with those expectations if instructed to do so by the affiliate.

Students who are unable to comply with NCC’s or its affiliates’ professional appearance expectations are encouraged to submit a request for accommodations as described in the Student Accommodations Policy.


General expectations for all students related to attire and accessories include:

  • Students are expected to wear approved attire (minimally a professional top, bottoms, and shoes) at all times while attending class sessions on campus or at an affiliate’s facility.
    • “Conditionally accepted” students are expected to comply with the expectations detailed here and during their new student orientation. Students are expected to fully comply with the uniform requirements below upon matriculation into their program of study.
  • Students may choose to wear additional, approved accessories while attending class sessions on campus or at an affiliate’s facility.
  • All attire and accessories worn must be stain- and wrinkle-free.
  • No attire or accessories worn may contain holes, rips, or tears.
  • No attire or accessories worn may be brightly colored, nor may they contain patterns, writing, or logos if not NCC-branded.
  • Any attire or accessories not explicitly identified below as “approved attire” are considered “unapproved” unless “approved” via the Student Accommodations Policy.

Expectations for students who choose to wear accessories include that the accessories worn comply with the general expectations listed above related to all attire and accessories, as well as the following accessory-specific guidance:

  • Accessories may not obscure the student’s vision or otherwise interfere with the student’s ability to safely or effectively practice skills during class sessions. Furthermore, accessories may not obscure the student’s face or head or otherwise interfere with others’ ability to identify the student while on campus.
  • Jewelry may be worn in compliance with requirements below:
    • Jewelry should be kept minimal.
    • Large or brightly colored jewelry may not be worn.
    • Exposed body and facial piercings must be covered or removed.
    • Gauges should be removed or must be closed with plugs matching skin tone.
    • Nose studs are approved during on-campus class sessions but are not approved during externship or during interviews.
  • Head coverings may be worn in compliance with the requirements below:
    • Solid-colored, non-patterned cultural or religious head coverings may be worn on campus.
    • Hats may be worn on campus but are generally restricted to outdoor use and may not be worn while inside of campus facilities.
    • Hair maintenance coverings may not be worn on campus.
  • Sunglasses may be worn in compliance with the requirements below:
    • Sunglasses may be worn on campus but are generally restricted to outdoor use and may not be worn while inside of campus facilities.
  • Outwear may be worn in compliance with the requirements below:
    • Jackets, blazers, sweaters, or lab coats may be worn on campus (depending on the student’s program of study).
    • Other forms of outerwear may not be worn on campus.

General expectations for students who participate in an interview or externship experience at an affiliate’s facility include:

  • Students may wear alternative professional tops, outerwear, bottoms, or shoes if approved to do so by the affiliated site and if they are in accordance with the site’s Professional Appearance policies. In such circumstances, students should minimally dress in business casual attire, which could include casual slacks and skirts, collared shirts, blouses, or sweaters. Inappropriate attire includes but is not limited to athleisure/ sportswear, cargo shorts, light blue jeans, or tattered clothing.
  • In all cases, clothing must meet the general expectations for attire and accessories outlined above and must be worn in a way such that students’ torso, shoulders, genitals, buttocks, nipples, and undergarments are covered with opaque material. Students are expected to exercise good judgment and err on the side of caution when in doubt.

Program specific expectations for students in each of NCC’s programs are listed below. Required categories of attire and specific required items are identified with an asterisk (*).

Clinical ProgramsApproved Attire
Dental Assistant Dental Administrative Assistant Massage Therapy Medical Assistant Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy Technician RadiographyOn-Campus
TopsNCC-issued Purple Scrub Top
Neutral-colored Undershirt
BottomsNCC-issued Purple Scrub Pants
ShoesNeutral-colored, closed-toed, flat, or athletic shoes

(Athletic shoes required for Massage Therapy)
OuterwearNCC-branded sweater or lab coat
Students must wear their on-campus approved attire when attending their externship course.
Administrative ProgramsApproved Attire
Business Administration Business Administrative Assistant Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Professional Healthcare Administration IT Technician Legal Assistant Medical Administrative Assistant Medical Billing and Coding Paralegal StudiesOn-Campus
TopsNCC-issued Purple Polo
Neutral-colored Undershirt
BottomsPants, Skirts (must extend to or below the knee)
Leggings and Jeans are not permitted
ShoesNeutral-colored, closed-toed
High-heeled shoes are approved but heels must be 3.5” or less.
OuterwearNCC-branded sweater or lab coat
Students must wear their on-campus approved attire when attending their externship course unless directed by their externship site supervisor to wear alternative professional attire.

Professional Grooming Standards

  • Students must practice good personal hygiene habits.
    • Regular showers and deodorant use are required.
    • Detectable odors (e.g. body odor, smoke odor, perfumes or colognes) are not acceptable.
  • Hair must be clean, styled professionally, and well-maintained.
    • Hair color must be of natural tones; non-natural colors are not acceptable.
    • Nose, ear, and facial hair must be neatly trimmed or maintained.
  • Fingernails must be clean, trimmed in accordance with industry expectations, and, if decorated, painted in a solid color
    • Acrylic or gel nails are not permitted for students enrolled in high-contact clinical programs (Dental Assistant, Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, and Phlebotomy Technician).
  • Tattoos must be professionally maintained.
    • Visible tattoos on the face and neck must be covered with clothing or make-up.
    • Visible tattoos on the body must be covered with clothing or make-up if they are perceived as offensive. While this may not be possible during all lab procedures, it is expected at all other times.
    • Expectations for visible tattoos may vary based on the externship site and employer.
  • Make-up, including false eyelashes, must appear professional and natural in styles and colors. Bright or excessively dark make up is not acceptable.

Administration and faculty are responsible for enforcing the dress code, grooming standards, and general rules about personal appearance. Even if not explicitly prohibited in this policy, clothing or personal appearance may be deemed inappropriate by employees of NCC. Inappropriately dressed students will not be permitted to return to class until the violation is resolved.

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