Currently attending students are eligible to request a Leave of Absence (LOA) from their program, whereby they can temporarily pause their academic progress and resume courses at a later date. Students with questions about the Leave of Absence policy should contact the Registrar via email at for assistance.
Students wishing to take a Leave of Absence (LOA) must request the LOA in writing by submitting a signed and dated Leave of Absence Request form, which includes the reason for the leave of absence request, as well as applicable supporting documentation. This request must be submitted prior to the LOA. If circumstances prevent a student from submitting a written request prior to the requested start date of the LOA, the LOA may be granted at NCC’s discretion and written documentation will be collected as soon as reasonably achievable. Submission of a Leave of Absence Request form does not guarantee the LOA will be granted.
Requests are assessed on an individual basis student’s attendance, academic history, available LOA time, and whether it can be reasonably expected that a student will be able to continue their program in the future prior to approving any LOA request.
NCC does not approve LOA requests for students who have been enrolled for less than 30 days, who do not have sufficient LOA eligibility time remaining, or who do not reasonably expect to continue their program in the future.
Students may spend no more than 180 days on LOA in any 12-month period. NCC will administratively withdraw any student who is not in attendance on their scheduled return date from an LOA or any student who is unable to return from LOA prior to the end of the 180 day maximum timeframe. Any student who is withdrawn due to a failure to return from an LOA will have Return to Title IV and Institutional Refund calculations performed in accordance with NCC’s Refund Policy and Return to Title IV Policy.
Students delay their academic progress by taking an LOA, which may also impact their financial aid disbursement schedule and their stipend release schedule. Students with questions about the financial implications of an LOA should contact their assigned Financial Aid Officer for assistance.