
Policy Statement

This policy is designed to reflect industry standards related to professional conduct in the fields associated with NCC programs of study. NCC students are expected to demonstrate professional conduct at all times while on NCC’s campus, at an affiliate’s facility, and any other time they are wearing their NCC uniform.


Examples of unprofessional conduct that would constitute a violation of this policy include but are not limited to:

  • All forms of academic dishonesty (including cheating, plagiarism, or forgery).
  • Theft, deliberate destruction, damage, misuse, or abuse of private or public property.
  • Physical abuse (including sexual abuse and all other forms of violence) of another person.
  • Verbal abuse (including threats of violence and the use of discriminatory language, hate language, ethnic slurs, or personal insults) of another person.
  • Intimidation, harassment, coercion, or any other behavior that endangers the physical or psychological health of another person.
  • Bringing dangerous items such as firearms or other weapons onto NCC’s campus or into an affiliate’s facility.
  • Inappropriate behavior that causes a disruption of academic, administrative, or business activities.
  • Bringing children, guests, or animals onto the NCC campus while attending a class session or a formal meeting with an NCC staff or faculty member.
  • Failure to follow instructions from NCC staff or faculty who are acting within the scope of their employment at NCC.
  • The use of any tobacco-based products or devices indoors while on the NCC campus or at an affiliate’s facility
  • The possession of, the use of, or being under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, medical marijuana, or other controlled substances while on NCC’s campus or at an affiliates’ facility.
    • NOTE: Regardless of state law, medical marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Use of marijuana can negatively impact students’ eligibility to file for financial aid.
  • Violation of health and safety rules and regulations while on the NCC campus or at an affiliate’s facility
  • Improper use of e-mail and Internet access, including violation of federal software piracy regulations.
  • Inappropriate use of cell phones, smartwatches, or mobile devices while on the NCC campus or at an affiliate’s facility.
  • Unauthorized presence in or forcible entry into the NCC campus or at an affiliate’s facility.

If a student demonstrates unprofessional conduct unbecoming to the student’s chosen profession or to NCC’s professional standards, the following steps will be taken in response to the conduct violation:

  • The employee who identifies the unprofessional conduct will provide a verbal coaching or warning directly to the student to explain why their conduct was unprofessional.
    • While employees are expected to provide verbal feedback regarding unprofessional conduct directly to the student whenever it is reasonably achievable, employees may need to issue written feedback to the student in lieu of verbal feedback if they are unable to speak with the student privately regarding their conduct at the time of the violation or shortly thereafter.
  • The employee will then document the coaching or warning in the student’s school record.
  • An administrator will then review the coaching or warning documentation in the context of the remainder of the student’s conduct record to determine the appropriate course of action.
    • The Academic Affairs Department will perform the conduct review process if the student’s conduct is related to classroom or other campus activities, while the Career Services Department will perform this step if the student’s conduct is related to externship preparation or externship coursework.
  • Depending on the nature of the unprofessional conduct and the remainder of the student’s conduct record, the administrator may affirm the coaching or warning, escalate the incident to a conduct warning or probation, or recommend administrative withdrawal of the student.
    • Conduct violations are not segregated by type of infraction. The student’s conduct record is evaluated holistically when assessing the appropriate course of action after a conduct violation.
    • First offenses of unprofessional conduct typically result in a verbal coaching, but NCC reserves the right to proceed immediately to a conduct warning, a conduct probation, or administrative withdrawal of a student without documentation of prior conduct violations if NCC believes the inappropriate behavior warrants additional disciplinary action.
    • Students are considered in progress while on conduct probation and remain eligible for financial aid.
    • Students placed on conduct probation will remain on probation for the duration of their enrollment.
  • The administrator will issue a written determination to the student regarding the conduct violation once their review of the student’s conduct record is complete.
    • Students who are administratively withdrawn from their program of study due to unprofessional conduct will receive written correspondence notifying the student of the date of determination for their withdrawal, their right to appeal the administrative withdrawal determination, and their right to apply for re-entry into the program.
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