Complaints and Grievances

All students with complaints or grievances are encouraged to report their concerns to NCC so that NCC can investigate their concerns according to the following resolution procedures. The following steps need to be taken to begin the complaint process:

  • Students should first discuss their concerns directly with the involved parties to attempt resolution.
  • If direct resolution of the concern(s) is unsuccessful, students are encouraged to complete the Complaint Form as soon as possible, ideally within three (3) business days of the initial attempts at resolution.
  • The student must identify the category and the rationale for their complaint and submit supporting documentation as applicable.
  • Complaints are reviewed initially by the supervisor of the impacted area and secondarily by an escalated supervisor if needed to provide support with the proposed resolution.

The original action or determination remains in effect while the complaint is being processed. The student may attend classes during the complaint process unless their presence is deemed detrimental to the classroom environment due to conduct concerns. All submitted documentation will be considered in the complaint process. Upon completion of the complaint process, if the student remains dissatisfied with the proposed resolution, they may initiate the grievance process to seek a higher-level review of their concerns. The following steps need to be taken to begin the grievance process:

  • If the complaint process does not result in a satisfactory resolution, students must report their intention to file a grievance by sending an email to to request a Grievance Form within three (3) business days of the final complaint resolution meeting. Students must further complete the Grievance Form within three (3) business days of receipt.
  • The student must identify the category and the rationale for their grievance and submit supporting documentation as applicable.
  • Grievances are reviewed by the supervising executive of the impacted area to provide support with the proposed resolution.

The assigned executive will review the Grievance Form and any supporting documentation within five (5) business days of receipt. Written notification of the decision regarding the grievance will be sent to the student within ten (10) business days after receipt of the grievance, except in the case of a pending investigation, in which case the response may require an additional (10) business days.

Once a final determination about a complaint or grievance is made, action may or may not be taken as part of the proposed resolution. All associated forms and supporting documentation are added to the student’s file, the relevant employee’s file if applicable, and maintained in a separate incident file.

If the grievance cannot be resolved between NCC and the student directly, the student may contact the Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education in writing at 2800 E. St. Louis, Las Vegas, NV 89104 or by phone at 702-486-7330. The student may also submit a written complaint to the institution’s accreditors using the ABHES Complaint Form, which is available from ABHES or at The written complaint and supporting documentation must be emailed to Complaints Specialist,, or mailed to Complaints Specialist, 7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 314 North Falls Church, Virginia 22043.

Additionally, other than for a grievance related to grades, students are encouraged, but not required, to utilize the Grievance Procedure described herein prior to proceeding with a demand for arbitration or legal recourse.

Students residing out of the state of Nevada and enrolled in a distance education course can escalate complaints through the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA). Examples of complaints include inaccurate statements made by NCC regarding recruitment, job placement, tuition and financial aid, licensure and/or certification, institutional accreditation, or credit transferability. Please contact if you have any questions about what qualifies as a SARA complaint.

Escalated SARA complaints should be directed to the State Portal Entity at:

Nevada State SARA Portal
Terina Caserto
Senior Analyst, Academic & Student Affairs
Phone: 775.784.3447
Nevada System of Higher Education
2601 Enterprise Rd
Reno, NV 89512

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