
Policy Statement

NCC maintains attendance records for each student and expects students to attend a minimum of 75% of scheduled hours for each course. NCC will record a failing grade for a student if they do not attend a minimum of 60% of scheduled hours for a given course.

  • NOTE - Externship attendance policies are different from classroom attendance policies and are explained in detail in the Externship Policy.
Attendance Records

Students may review their attendance records at any time by opening the “My Attendance” page within the “My Academics” section of their student portal. Students should contact their assigned Academic Advisor to request assistance if they identify a discrepancy in their attendance records.

Make-Up Attendance

Make-up sessions are scheduled each term during non-class hours. Students may complete a maximum of 25% of the scheduled class hours by participating in make-up sessions and can only earn Make-Up Attendance credit during the term when the scheduled class hours were missed.

Students can earn academic credit during make-up attendance sessions for excused and unexcused absences. Students should contact their Academic Advisor for program-specific details on how to earn academic credit for make-up attendance sessions and to request assistance if they identify a discrepancy in their make-up attendance records.

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