Policy Statement
NCC is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment for all prospective and currently attending students. NCC has adopted numerous accessibility practices to accomplish this objective, including but not limited to:
Furthermore, prospective and currently attending students with a qualifying ADA disability are encouraged to request academic accommodations if desired during their program of study.
For additional details not included in this catalog section, please see the Facilities and Services Available to Students with Disabilities Disclosure posted on the NCC’s website.
Accommodations Application Process
To obtain academic accommodations, a student should:
Information pertaining to an applicant's disability submitted through the application process described above will be maintained as confidential. The Accommodations Coordinator or a designated representative is available upon request to guide students through the process of collecting the supporting documentation needed to complete the application process.
Available Accommodations
Although NCC strives to incorporate as many accessibility practices as reasonably achievable into its standard operating procedures (as described above), NCC recognizes that individual circumstances may still warrant additional academic accommodations (e.g. assistive technology), depending on the nature of the qualifying disability. Approved academic accommodations may take up to sixty (60) calendar days to implement.
Certification and Credentialing Considerations
NCC does not have the authority to grant testing accommodations for certification or credentialing exams and cannot guarantee that specific accommodations will be granted for these exams, even if in-school accommodations are granted. Such determinations are made exclusively by the individual sponsoring organizations.
NCC will provide assistance to any student seeking testing accommodations, but the student is responsible for completing any required application(s) and collecting and submitting all documentation related to their disability requested by the sponsoring organization. Please note, NCC does not provide support services during examinations.