How Much Can I Earn As A Paralegal in Las Vegas?
- Paralegal Studies
- March 12, 2024
- 3 min read
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the mean annual wage of a paralegal in Nevada is approximately $54,700, putting Nevada in the top ten states for paralegal earnings. The wage range over the course of an average career is between $31,153 and $64,385, including benefits, profit sharing, and bonuses.
The amount that you can earn as a paralegal is affected by a number of factors, such as your experience, qualifications, field of work, and whether you are certified or not. Understanding how these factors affect your potential wages is an essential step in maximizing your earning potential.
Read More: How To Become A Paralegal?
Table of Contents
How Much Can I Earn As A Paralegal in Las Vegas?
Factors Affecting Earnings
Education – Nevada does not regulate paralegals, meaning you do not need to be certified or have an educational background in law to hold a position as one. However, in a competitive job market, the ability to show that you have skills or experience relevant to the position you are applying for sets you apart from other candidates. Paralegals who have graduated from a Paralegal Studies Course, such as the one we offer, are seen as needing less training or support and are often paid more.
Certification – Becoming a certified paralegal, or CP, can be achieved by completing a four-year or two-year degree from an American Bar Association (ABA) recognized or accredited college or university. The state of Nevada does not require you to become ABA certified to practice as a paralegal, but gaining your certification can significantly boost your earning potential and attractiveness to potential employers.
Experience – Experience is a leading factor in paralegal wage differences. Paralegals with little or no experience or skills can earn as little as $31,070 while those with some years experience can earn up to $80,260. When you’re starting out as a paralegal, attending a Paralegal School like Northwest can give you the marketable skills you need to find employment and command higher earnings.
Field of work – The sector in which you find yourself employed can also have a significant effect on your potential earnings. According to figures published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, those paralegals employed by the Federal Executive Branch or corporate entities earn the most, while those working for local government earn the least.
Depending on your employer, you may also receive benefits in addition to your salary.
Approximately 70% of paralegals work for law firms and are the most likely to receive paid bonuses, while those working for the local and federal government will, on average, get more paid leave. Employers may also offer healthcare and dental plans that can offset a lower wage.
Getting The Best Start
Here at Northwest Career College, we run one of the top paralegal programs in Nevada, offering our students the skills and experience they need to successfully enter the field of paralegal work and position themselves to maximize their earnings. Our Paralegal instructors are seasoned attorneys and highly trained professionals who are able not only to teach you the law, but also to guide you through the many ways a paralegal integrates into a Las Vegas law practice.
We offer on-campus and online paralegal classes to accommodate your work and family schedule. Our Career Services team will work with you to help you find the best paralegal employment opportunity in Las Vegas, and their expertise in this area has given us a 100% success rate in job placement rate for paralegal graduates. Call us today at (702) 403-1592 to find out what our paralegal program can offer you.