Why You Should Think About Becoming A Dental Assistant?

  • Dental Assistant
  • March 11, 2024
  • 2 min read
Why You Should Think About Becoming A Dental Assistant

When people think about healthcare, most often they think about a doctor or a dentist. The next thing that comes to mind are the number of long years in college, then graduate school, possibly an residency, giving up sleep and a social life. Finally, at the end of all that schooling, an exhausted human being opens their own practice and welcomes patients. The people who do go through all of that to become a doctor or dentist need support personnel. Doctors need nurses and receptionists. Dentists need hygienists and dental assistants.


Learning to be a dental assistant involves classroom study, clinical work and laboratory training. The student will learn about teeth, jaws, dental instruments and procedures. Classes include oral exams, medical terms, dental materials, teeth and gum infections, radiology, maintenance and understanding of charts. To learn to assist in a dental office, classes must be taken to learn bookkeeping, understanding dental insurance and proper interaction with patients, and staff.


Clinical training is another aspect of learning to be a dental assistant. Many schools require a certain number of hours to be completed before you can get your certification. This experience is gained through work at health care centers, healthcare clinics, and of course dental offices. Dental Assisting can be a varied career and what you do each day depends on your specific dentist’s office.


So come check out Northwest Career College where we have a 10 chair lab, traditional, digital and mobile x-ray units, and every type of equipment needed to become the most prepared Dental Assistant you can be. Call one of our enrollment specialists today at 702-254-7577. We are waiting to hear from you!

Jessica Vazquez
Dental Assistant Program Chair

Originally from Southern California, Jessica moved to Las Vegas with her family before she found both a job as part of our Dental Assisting Team and her husband here. Jessica attended Sylmar HS in California and then Charter College for… Read Full Bio